About Us
The Oconee Area Resource Council (OARC) is a local 501 (c) 3 non-profit corporation that serves as the local decision-making body for the Georgia Family Connection. OARC identifies the needs of the community and works to fill those needs by combining resources and services. Our goal is to ensure that all residents of Oconee County will live in a healthy, safe and stable environment. To this end, we bring together community partners to develop, implement and evaluate programs that address the challenges facing Oconee County residents.
Donate at the link in bio or mail your check to:
PO Box 149, Watkinsville, GA 30677�
Serving Oconee C
OARC Staff & Board
Executive Director
Oconee Mentor Programs
Food for Kids Coordinator
Summer Food for Kids Coordinators
Dr. Wanda L. Stitt-Gohdes, Chair UGA Career & Information Studies, Retired
Adam Hammond Georgia 4-H Foundation
Coleman Benko Benko Financial Services
Jennifer Lyons Hadden Entrepreneur
Austin Marable Jackson Co. Water and Sewage Authority
Susan Brodrick Food for Kids Ambassador
Meredith Metcalf UGA
Bob Cummings Business Owner, Retired
Pam Doonan Springhill Suites, Retired
Ellen Elder Anesthesia Consultants of Athens
Jill Faulkner Oconee County Board of Commissioners
Christi Donahue Oconee State Bank
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